Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Guess I Haven't Gotten Out Much

Alright. So I haven't seen a movie in a long time. I just haven't taken the time to sit down and watch something either at my house or in theaters, so I really am not sure what all to write about. Let's see... I guess I'll just write about what we've been watching in class. So we just started Battle of Algiers, and I have to say it's better than I thought it would be. The documentary review thing we watched in class to set up the movie made it seem like it was going to be some old, black and white, boring war movie like you always find on the History channel. I'm not saying the History channel is bad in any way, I actually love the History channel, especially late at night, but I'm just saying I thought it was going to be really not so good. Plus, when I found out that it was in French, I was actually kinda happy because I was hoping I would be able to understand everything without having to read the subtitles, but that is definitely not the case. The only stuff I can understand without reading is the voice over. Everything else, or just about everything else, is in Arabic or in very hard to understand French. That was kind of disappointing... But as for the actual movie, it's a bit hard to tell exactly what's going on, but I can tell there's a lot of action, or at least a lot of shooting people. Hopefully I'll understand the movie more as it progresses, otherwise this movie's going to pretty much go right over my head, and I definitely won't enjoy it.
Well anyway, here's the trailer for the movie. It makes it look pretty intense.


Ben S said...

Im glad that I am not the only one who noticed that the words and the character's mouths were completely out of sync. Other than that though, I really enjoyed this film. It had a suprising amount of action, and the whole concept was very interesting. Like you mentioned, it was like a spiced up version of a history documentary on the Battle of Algiers.

Bryan Perkins said...

I also noticed the out of sync voices. I like your use of the video clips, mine don't work (makes me angry).

chaska said...

Wow. Totally putting down the movie. It's kind of funny though. I thought you would be able to understand the french too but i guess not all of it. I agree, though, that yeah the voices you could definitely tell were dubbed. It made it look really fake. One thing could've done was put at least one good thing. Even if its just made up.